Bristol Drawing School Logo

Location  RWA, Queen's Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 1PX

Telephone  0117 906 7606



Bristol Drawing School Logo

Post  Royal West of England Academy, Queen's Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 1PX

Telephone  0117 973 5129 Email

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Terry Rosenberg

Terry Rosenberg is a Senior Lecturer in the Design Department a at Goldsmith, University of London. He is a practising artist, designer and design theorist. His artwork has been exhibited in the U.K., Europe and the U.S.A. (including the V and A London).

His academic research pivots around two thematic locii - namely, the “representation of ideas” and “ideation through representation”. He is interested in how we model thought (the settled) and how we model thinking (un- settled idea) in representational models. He has been regularly invited to lecture on these topics at a number of institutions, nationally and internationally, including RMIT (Australia), the Architectural Association, and the Royal College of Art.

He has published a number of books on drawing (co-authored). These books are available in a number of countries including the U.S.A., Canada, Russia and the U.K.

His work as a design practitioner has included a research project for the Knowledge Lab (NCR) that built and explored future scenarios involving networked technologies in the city. He, and colleagues, are continuing this work, for example, in a Leverhulme sponsored research project exploring technologies that produce London as a mediatised space.

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