Bristol Drawing School Logo

Location  RWA, Queen's Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 1PX

Telephone  0117 906 7606



Bristol Drawing School Logo

Post  Royal West of England Academy, Queen's Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 1PX

Telephone  0117 973 5129 Email

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Anouk Mercier

Anouk’s drawings rely on the nostalgia of Romanticism, mythology and storytelling to depict melancholic worlds and characters. Combining fragments from 17th and 18th Century landscape etchings, references to vintage postcards as well as her own mark making, her work confuses the boundaries of what is ‘real’, taking on a dream-like quality and encouraging the viewer to create fantastical narratives.

Celebrating the power of the imagination to escape the quotidian and the mundane, her work presents a continuous search for escapism whilst also exploring the mysterious, the abysmal and the uncanny that often lurks behind idylls.

Anouk lives and works in Bristol, UK and was recently awarded the Emerging Artist Award at the RWA Autumn Exhibition, her prize consisted of a profile in ART magazine, to read visit

Visit her website

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